Künstleraustausch 2015
Vom 26. Juli bis 16. August 2015 fand zum sechsten Mal das internationale und interdisziplinäre Kunstprojekt „salem2salem“ statt. KünstlerInnen aus Europa und den USA trafen sich in neuer Zusammenstellung für drei Wochen bei SAW (Salem Art Works) in Salem im Bundesstaat New York. Es entstanden wieder viele spannende Arbeiten - auch jenseits der traditionellen Sparten.
30 artists from all over the US, Germany, Switzerland and France lived and worked at SAW for three weeks. They have been collaborating together making music, performances, traveling exhibitions, sculptures, drawings and paintings. To conclude the residency the artists and SAW Staff put together an exhibition that showcased all of their hard work on August 25th. During the exhibition all the artists took turns displaying innovative art work that unfolded throughout SAW's grounds. (SAW newsletter 2015-08-22)