Andrew Petrilli / USA · Literature
I was born/raised in Rochester NY and attended SUNY Potsdam in 2006, graduating in the Fall of 2011. I studied Secondary Education for a few years before admitting to myself that I cannot watch my language around minors, and so pursued a Creative Writing degree instead. After graduating, I moved to Brooklyn, New York where I utilized my English degree to net myself over 400.00 USD. When it became apparent that I would require this amount of money (or more) each week, I took a night-job at a beer warehouse. I explored for two years everything that cold fingers and forklifts have to offer before succumbing to a severe case of Vitamin D deficiency. Translucent skin, chronic spontaneous profanity and cyclical thinking comprised this condition. For the sake of my health, I quit and went on to complete a 1.5 year training program to become a properly credentialed merchant seaman.
In that short span of life, I’ve seen those that I love grow as artists and people. I’ve flailed around at punk rock shows, counted sparrows in parks. I’ve washed dishes, bruised ribs, studied cross-cultural faux-pas. I’ve watched the strange people around me, eavesdropped on things which were none of my business, done my best to absorb everything odd and foreign. During all of this, I chip away at the practice of fiction, bit by bit. I will continue doing so until what I and others perceive can be read as one and the same on paper.